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Your Weird Aunt LuLu's Guide to the Paranormal

Beware, be brave, and protect each other.

beware (v.)

"be on one's guard," c. 1200, probably a contraction of be ware "be wary, be careful," from Middle English ware (adj.), from Old English wær "prudent, aware, alert, wary," from Proto-Germanic *waraz, from PIE root *wer- (3) "perceive, watch out for." Old English had the compound bewarian "to defend."

  -Online Etymology Dictionary

Misty Woodland


"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."  - Hamlet, Shakespeare (1603)

As Hamlet tells his friend, Horatio, there are many experiences people have in our reality that do not fit neatly into current scientific and sociological understanding. Is there reason to be frightened? Knowledge is the only way to arm oneself against fear. There are those who study these unexplainable phenomena and how they affect people. They can provide protection to you, if you choose, to perceive, to be brave, to have an informed mind.



I am one of those people. Here, I shall be known as Dr. Lu S. Cold. My PhD is in interdisciplinary studies focused in humanities and culture. I have spent many of these last years researching and writing about ghosts, ghost hunting, ghost tourism, demons, possession, occult history, folklore, participatory story-telling, horror media, and rhetorical and cultural analysis. Here you will find my thoughts, questions, conclusions, and stories. I will also answer, to the best of my abilities, your questions.

BeWare of what?

About BeWare

Videos and Casts

This portion of the site is under construction.  I am in the process of creating the content.  This section will contain videos and podcasts of narrated stories, recited scholarly work, and paranormal-related videos.

Video and Casts


Stories are the lifeblood of humanity. 

They show us who we are, where we came from, and what we may yet be. How a story is told is just as important as what the story says. In every story there are many ideas, concepts, and themes sliding about beneath the words. We can pull layer upon layer off the surface of a story to reveal deeper meanings that give us access to latent information. That information can be distilled into usable knowledge.


There is much to be gained from every story.

This section is under construction as I create and collect content.  Soon you will be able to explore some of my stories, my favorite articles, the stories of others, and my scholarly work.


You may have questions


Which is wonderful

Please send me a message with any inquiries or stories you wish to share.  I will gladly try and provide you with informed explanations and pertinent information.

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Never Miss Some Knowledge

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